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UZH for Students

Welcome Days for new students

Welcome Events at UZH

Fall Semester 2024

In the week before the start of the fall semester, the Welcome Days for new students take place at UZH. You will find the detailed programs on this website in July.

The next Welcome Days will take place from September 9 to 16, 2024:



Monday, 9. September 2024 (Morning)

«Warm-up Welcome Days»

Get to know offers and services related to studying at UZH. This is a voluntary event; it is an addition to the essential welcome days of the faculties and does not contain any necessary information for the study program itself.

Tuesday, 10. September 2024

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

Wednesday, 11.September 2024

Faculty of Law


Thursday, 12. September 2024

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Vetsuisse Faculty

Friday, 13. September

Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Monday, 16. September 2024 Faculty of Medicine


Spring Semester

At the beginning of the Spring Semester, individual introductory events are held for new students. You may receive information on this directly from your faculty/your study program.

Weiterführende Informationen


The Student Orientation Events are organized by the Student Advisory Services.

New at UZH?

Do you have questions about how to book modules or find a specific lecture hall? Or would you like to get as many things sorted as possible before starting your studies? Our “New at UZH?” webpage provides new students with useful tips and tricks to get their studies started. 

Deckblatt des Studienratgebers "Lies das" mit Foto des Hauptgebäudes

Guidebook "Read me"

The University of Zurich Student Association VSUZH has collected everything you need to know to start your studies in the guidebook "Read me". You can download the guide on the VSUZH website.

Finally at the university!

VSUZH, the association of students at UZH, is preparing exciting offers for the start of studies. All information can be found at