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UZH for Students

Language Courses

The joint Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich has been teaching foreign languages for academic study since 2002. The courses we offer are aimed at Bachelor's, Master's, and exchange students as well as PhD/doctoral students, staff, and alumni of UZH and ETH Zurich. Language support is also available to staff and students of the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH) and Zurich University of the Arts Zurich (ZHdK).

Course program and enrollment

The wide range of language courses we offer includes courses in 15 different languages at various levels. Course programs for coming semesters are published on the Language Center website in May and December. Current enrollment deadlines are also listed on our website and in each course description.

Enrollment in Language Center courses can only be done via the Language Center website.

How can I benefit from a language course?

If you successfully complete a language course, you will receive ECTS credits from the Language Center. These are automatically transferred to UZH or ETH Zurich at the end of the semester. However, only those responsible for your study program within your faculty or department can decide if your credits can be accredited to your degree and used for credit transfer purposes.

Attending a language course promotes internationalization and mobility during your studies and later serves your research and career. The language skills you acquire also represent a valuable interdisciplinary skill. The Language Center also sees language learning as cultural learning and action; intercultural encounters and learning opportunities are used in a targeted manner and are incorporated into our teaching.

Support for autonomous learning

The Language Center operates Self-Access Centers (SACs) at two locations. At our SACs, you will find support for your independent language learning, either on your own or as a complement to one of our courses. Our Self-Access Centers also offer guided learning activities, and you can book a consultation on autonomous learning with an SAC staff member. We also provide learning materials that you can use on site or take home.

SAC Rämistrasse
SAC Hönggerberg

Other services offered by the Language Center include learning consultations, individual coaching, tandem partnerships, tailor-made courses, and our online Writing Center.

Weiterführende Informationen

Enrollments take place exclusively via the Language Center website. Enrollment deadlines are published on our entry page and in course descriptions.

Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich
Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zurich

Phon: +41 44 634 52 81

What participants say about our language courses: